About the Jamming with Python course

Jamming with Python is a course to teach Python, but it teaches skills that should be useful for any programming language. It also briefly covers some project management tips, including a version of the Agile philosophy, and encourages students to look up documentation and other resources so they can continue to learn after they're done here. In between programming assignments, we also cover various figures and moments in computer science history, including unsung heroes from NASA, and the births of computer languages.

Everything here is adapted from a course Lotus Fox made in early 2017 for a specific LMS, converted to this portable set of HTML pages. This version is fully self-driven, has no passed-in assignments (though you should still do the exercises) and lets you set your own pace.

This course is intended for students of at least high school or college level. You don't have to be in school to use this course, either; any adult should be able to use it.

For teachers: If there's enough interest, this may be adapted again into a form fit for use in a classroom setting, without being bound to an LMS, and with full teacher documentation.

For everyone: we hope you have fun with this course, and learn a great deal from it! If you already know the material, we hope you'll recommend it to others, and help support the course.


The text, layout and encoding of this course are brought to you by Aubrey Smith, owner of Lotus Fox LLC, and a programmer in various languages and roles for over 20 years. All contents of the course are copyrighted to them.

The background image, with our mascot Lilian front and center, is brought to you by ikksnay. Perhaps one day, both of them will send you into space...? Well, Lily's clearly prepared for it, anyway.

This course was supported in part by a grant from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, which was provided for the purpose of furthering distance learning programs in the state of Maine and beyond.

Special thanks from Aubrey

I'd like to thank my friends and family, for supporting me, and helping smooth out some of the edges on this course besides. Thanks also to my gamedev crew; you've inspired me and made me feel like this is worth showing to the world! Thanks also to those in my own team, helping get Lotus Fox rolling; perhaps when this next updates, I'll be able to say their names here. I know I'll be happy to do so.

And thanks also, to you, the person reading this, and especially if you've helped support this project, or anything else I or Lotus Fox do. If you haven't had a chance to help yet, but you'd like to know how, please press that lovely button marked Support ♥ on the side there -- or this link will work, too!